100V-230V LED Circuit Schematic

Here is a simple and powerful LED circuit that can be operated directly from the AC 100 volt to AC 230 Volts mains supply. The circuit can be used as mains power locator or night lamp etc.. The resistor R1,R2 and capacitor C1 provides necessary current limiting. The circuit is sufficiently immune against voltage spikes and surges.

Circuit's pictures:


Front View of 220 Volt AC Operated LED Circuit

Audio Indicator LM741

This circuit can be used to remotely monitor a loudspeaker, alarm, or audio source for presence of an audio waveform. It can also be directly connected across loudspeaker terminals used as a peak indicator.

Circuit diagram:
Audio Indicator LM741 schematic
click for large picture
Audio Indicator Circuit Diagram Using LM741

Courtesy Light IC 555

This circuit is intended to let the user turn off a lamp by means of a switch placed far from bed, allowing him enough time to lie down before the lamp really switches off. Obviously, users will be able to find different applications for this circuit in order to suit their needs.

Circuit diagram :

Courtesy Light IC 555 schematic

Dark Activated Terrace Lamp

Compact circuit, Can be wired in parallel to existing switches
This device allows one or more lamps to illuminate at sunset and turn off at dawn.Q1 and Q2 form a trigger device for the SCR, providing short pulses at 100Hz frequency. Pulse duration is set by R2 and C1.When the light hits R1, the photo resistor assumes a very low resistance value, almost shorting C1 and preventing circuit operation. When R1 is in the dark, its resistance value becomes very high thus enabling circuit operation.

Circuit Diagram:
Dark Activated 220 volt AC Lamp Circuit Diagram

Amplified Ear

Useful to listen in faint sounds, 1.5V Battery operation

This circuit, connected to 32 Ohm impedance mini-earphones, can detect very remote sounds. Useful for theatre, cinema and lecture goers: every word will be clearly heard. You can also listen to your television set at a very low volume, avoiding to bother relatives and neighbors. Even if you have a faultless hearing, you may discover unexpected sounds using this device: a remote bird twittering will seem very close to you.

Circuit Diagram:

Mini Amplifier for HEaring Ability Schematic

Variable Dc Power Supply

A variable dc power supply is one of the most useful tools on the electronics hobbyist's workbench. This circuit is not an absolute novelty, but it is simple, reliable, "rugged" and short-proof, featuring variable voltage up to 24V and variable current limiting up to 2A. You can adapt it to your own requirements as explained in the notes below.

Circuit Diagram :
Variable Dc Power Supply Schematic

Voltage Range: 0.7V to 24V, Current Range: 50mA to 2A